20th July 1935 Muslims took control of Shaheed Ganj, Lahore. 1950 Akali Dal Executives asks its legislatures to form a…
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 2
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 2Translation by Dr Jodh Singh Pauri1 Invocation <> siqgurpRswid] AwpnVy hiQ AwrsI Awpy hI…
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1Translation by Dr Jodh Singh Pauri35 Going to Baghdad bwbw igAw bgdwd nUM bwhr…
Asa di Vaar:Pauri 5
Asa di Vaar: :Pauri 5 pauVI ] (465-15) pa-orhee. Pauree:5 nwau qyrw inrMkwru hY nwie lieAY nrik n jweIAY ]…
Hail Hair
Hail Hair ! by Dr. Birendra Kaur WHERE THE ENVIRONMENT BEGINS Much is being said and talked about Man and…
The Importance of Hair in Sikh Philosophy and practice
The Importance of Hair in Sikh Philosophy and practice In Sikh philosophy and practice, the keeping of unshaven hair (Kesh)…
The Guru’s injunctions on the Sikh Form
The Guru’s injunctions on the Sikh Form As I see the Guru my turban is much exalted (Guru Ram Das)…
Guru Stories:The Women Parishes
The Women Parishes In one of the verses of As-di-Var it is said ‘Why demean them who give birth to…
Reflections on Shabad as Guru Everlasting
Reflections on Shabad as Guru Everlasting Most of the world religions seek God through visible objects such as idols…