Nanaksar Satsang Sabha, Nairobi, Kenya

Gurdwara Nanaksar
Darbar Sahib of Gurdwara Nanaksar
The Mall, Ring Rd Westlands,
Westlands, Nairobi

Gurdwara Nanaksar runs like a typical Nanaksar instution where no money charava (donations) is accepted and no langar is cooked. The langar for every program comes prepared from the homes of the faithful Sikh Sangat of Nairobi. In May 2007, In the plot adjacent to the Gurdwara Sahib a new building was opened for the use of the Nairobi Sikh Sangat. This new wing of the Gurdwara Sahib is known as the Baba Isher Singh Community Centre. The Community Centre has a distinct facade that boasts the shape of a Khanda Sahib. It also hosts two Darbar Halls and a Langar Hall that operates like a regular Gurdwara facility. The Community Centre Gurdwara Sahib is used for weddings and other functions that are not regularly held at the Nanaksar Darbar Sahib since the parkash of Sri Guru Granth Sahib is highly revered and kept in a sanctified environment.

Gurdwara Nanaksar is now pin pointed to its exact location on the Gurdwara’s Map application. The Building that looks like a ‘Chand Khanda’ is a new addition to the Gurdwara Sahib that is directly to the left of it