Heaven & Hell |
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1. One may have vast riches, culture, glory, pious routine (of life) And love of the parents, sons, broth4rs, friends, And men in arms salute him sirring him meekly: But if he remembers not the Lord in the heart, he suffers in the deeps of Hell. (Sri Rag M. 5)
2. (But) he, who goes the way of Goodness and Continence is hurt not and cease his comings-and-goings. Neither Death, nor Maya’s snare is for him; for he swims across (the sea of Fear) with love and devotion. He goes with honor, is merged in the Great Peace, and all his Woes depart.
(Sri Rag M. 1)
3. He, who dwells within and without on the Lord’s Name with Love And receives Instruction from the Perfect Guru and abides with the holy, is saved from hell. Hell is not for him Whose body and mind are permeated through with the Lord’s Name. (Gauri Bavan Akhri, M. 5)
4. He, who sings (with love) the Praise of the Lord for an instant, Mounts to all the heavens, and is delivered and released. (Ashtapadi Gauri Sukhmani, M. 5)
5. When He Himself Created the world of form, And the world did function within the three Modes, Then became current the terms Virtue and Sink, And some craved for heaven, others worked for hell. (Gauri Sukhmani, M. 5)
6. They, who are bound down by the three Modes gather Poison as the fruit thereof; they are now good, now bad. They shuttle between heaven and hell and death ever hangs over their heads.
7. They are attacked by the afflictions of the mind, body and soul; their Pain leaves them not. They realise not the glory of their All-perfect, Transcendent Lord, And are drowned in the Sea of Doubt and attachment and abide they in the deeps of Hell.
Says Nanak: “Have Mercy on me, Lord, and save me, for I rest my Hope on Thee alone.” (Ibid)
8. He who contemplates not the Lord and is enticed away by evil and desire, And forsakes the (Lord’s) Name, lands now in heaven, now hell. (Thitti Gauri M. 5)
9. The world is afflicted by the three Modes, And so it comes and goes and falls into Hell. (Thitti Gauri M. 5)
10. He, who slanders the aperfect and True Guru, him the Creator Lord destroys. And to him opportunity comes not again, and he eats what he has sown. He’s thrown into the deeps of hell, his face is blackened and he’s driven like a thief. (But), if he then seeks again the refuge of the True Guru, he’s saved if he dwells on the Lord’s Name. Such, Nanak, is the Lord’s Will: and I utter only what my God Wills me to utter. (Shloka M. 4, Var of Gauri, M. 4)
11. One wanders about, night and day, stung by hunger for food. How can he be saved from Hell, who keeps not the Prophet in the mind. (Var of Gauri M. 5)
12. Says Kabir: “To whom shall I say this, O men, that the society of the Saints itself is the Lord’s Heaven” ? (Gauri Kabirji)
13. This he-buffalow is intoxicated (with Ego) and is disciplined by nothing; He tries to overwhelm others and so falls in Hell. (Gauri Kabirji along with M. 5)
14. Seek not the abode of heaven, nor fear the deeps of hell, For, that which has to happen must happen, so build no hopes in the mind. Utter thou the Lord’s Praise, For, from Him one gathers the Treasures of Eternal Bliss. (Gauri Poorbi)
15. He who seeks the Sight of the Lord at His Gate: Of what account to him, then, is heaven or Deliverance?
16. Even if one instructs the Egocentric, he goes astray, For, no one is Emancipated without the Lord’s Name, and, dying, one falls into Hell. (Asa, M. 1)
17. Having abandoned oneself to the self, one revels and, then becoming ashes, his Soul departs. High in riches, the man of the world at last is marched off, his neck chained (by Evil).
But in the Yond only the virtuous deeds ar read. Yea, this is how his Account is reckoned. He now Wails, but no one cares; and getting Thrashed, he finds no Refuge. Lo, the Blind of mind thus wasted his life away.(3) (Asa, M. 1, Var with Shlokas of M. 1)
18. The clay is the same though manifested as many, and in all is the One Lord alone. Says Kabir: “(So seeing), I’ve given up the thought of yur ‘heaven’, and reconciled myself to my own hell.” (Asa Sri Kabirji)
19. His body and Mind are filled with the Perfect Master, and he Sees not another in the universe, And, he is cast not into Hell, Nanak, whom the Lord owns as his Own.
20. But he who having Faith in the Guru is Attuned to the Lord, he gather immense Bliss. (But), he who forsakes his Guru and his God, he is cast into Hell. (Sorath M 5)
21. Heaven is where abide the Lord’s Saints: And, where the Lord’s Lotus-Feet one enshrines in the Mind. Thy Greed will die and thy Desire will be quenched, And thou wilt seek, O Devotee, the Refuge of thy Transcendent God. (Suhi M. 3)
22 Emancipation, the joys of the world and the Way of detachedness, all are through Thy-given Service. And, Heaven is where one praises Thee. But, Thou alone bringest Faith to the man.
23. What is Heaven, O what is Hell for me, for, I, the Lord’s Saint, have rejected both out of hand. And, I lean on no one (but God), for, such is the Guru’s Grace upon me.
(The Word of the Bhaktas: Kabirji)
24. Priceless is He, our Lord, the God, Forsaking whom one is cast into the Hell, Where there is neither mother nor wife, nor friend nor kinsman to succour him.
(Maru M. 5)
25. Hark ho, the sinners are wasted away forsooth: And Izrael, the Angel of Death, seizes and destroys them all. And lo, they’re cast into Hell by the Creator-Lord, and they are asked to render the account by the Lord of Justice. (Maru M. 5)
26. Says Kabir, Thy Slave, “I’ve entered into Thy Refuge, O Allah, And if Thou Keepest me near Thee, that indeed is Heaven for me.” Everyone says: “I am going to the Heaven, But I know not where their Heaven is.” They, who know not even the Mystey of their Self, Dilate upon the Mystery of the Heaven through mere words. So long as the mind craves for the Heaven, So long does one Abide not at the Lord’s Feet. (The Heaven is) not a fortress, surrounded by a dyke and plastered with mud: Yea, I know not what is structure is like. Says Kabir: “What else can I say now but this, That where the Saints are, that, indeed, is Heaven.” (Kabir)
27. O mother, I be not if I Contemplate any but my God. Forsaking Him, the Mainstay of my Soul, I am attached to Illusion. He who forsakes the Lord’s Name, and treads another path, falls into Hell. He is punished in a myriad subtle ways, and wanders he from womb to womb.
(Sarang M. 5)
28. I have Widowed my ten women, my ten sense-organs, For the Guru has warned that the Fire of the selse-pleasures emits poisonous smoke, And he, who meets with them, lands in Hell, So I am Attuned to God, being Saved by the Guru. (Kabir)
29. Kabir has risen above heaven and hell by the Grace of God. And now he lives Intoxicated with the Lord’s Lotus-Feet in the heart. (Kabir)