Society |
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1. He will repent Who keeps the company of the evil-doers.
(Guru I, Prabhati Rag)
2. In the company of bad people, One faces great sorrows.
(Guru III, Maru Rag)
3. The body is full of lust and anger; The company of godly men renders it pure.
(Guru IV, Gauri Rag)
4. The society of saints removes all sins.
( Guru V, GauriRag)
5. The society of saints secures comforts, In this world and the next.
(Guru V, Gauri Rag)
6. That is the society I crave for, Wherein the Name of the One is remembered.
(Guru I, Sri Rag)
7. Seek the company in which the glory of the Lord is sung and the Creator is contemplated;
In that company chant his glory and remember the Creator.
(Guru I, Gauri Rag)
8. Those who have found the society of the holy persons,
Are dyed fast with the love of the Supreme Being;
They are freed from all fetters and chains;
With devotion they worship the Lord,
Their eyes are pleased with the sight of the Lord,
Their tongues praise the Lord in all His manifestation.
With the Guru’s Grace, their thirst is extinguished.
In the love of the Lord, their hearts feel fully satisfied.
Thy servant serves the Lord in His glory,
Who is the Primeval Being, the Highest of the high.
(Guru V, Basant Rag)
9. It is by great good fortune,
That one gets the society of the God-loving;
Unfortunate people grope about in doubt anddarkness;
The society of the truthful cannot be obtained without good fortune,
And without such society, man lives in impurity.
( Guru IV, Majh Rag)
10. True society is the school of the True Guru,
Whefrein we learn to love God,
And admire his greatness.
(Guru IV, Kanara Rag)
11. How can we know of true society?
Wherein the lovers of truth hold communion with Lord alone.
(Guru I, Sri Rag)
12. True society is the treasury of Divine Nam, Where we meet God.
(Guru I, Sarang Rag)
13. The dirt of egoism of ages which has soiled the soul,
Will be removed only in the society of the holy.
Just as iron floats when tied to timber,
So will one cross the ocean of life by following
The Guru’s word in the company of saints.
(Guru IV, Kanara Rag)
14. O Lord, be so merciful and kind,
That I pass my days in the society of the saints;
For, they who forsake Thee,
Are born to die over and over again,
And never get rid of worries and grief.
(Guru V, Ramkali Rag)