The Unstruck Melody |
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1. The unbeaten Melody that one seeks to hear, hear it thou in the instruction of the Guru’s. (Sri Rag M. 1)
2. (Within me) rings the unstruck Melody of the Lord’s flute, yea, He in whose presence one’s mind is attuned to the sound (of the inner music). (Sri Rag, Kabir)
3. Seated in my higher mind, I live in communion with God and within me rings ever the unstruck Music (of Bliss). (Sri Rag Var, Shloka M. 3)
4. He, the Lord, is immersed in the unstruck Melody of the Word. (Asa, M. 1)
5. He, our God, is the King of the whole Universe. And there (in His Presence) rings the unstruck Melody (of Bliss). (Sorath M. 5, Chaupadas)
6. The Lord’s Name has no form, no sigh, and it becomes manifest through the Immaculate
God as the unstruck Melody. (Asa M. 1)
7. In the cave of equipoise do I now have my seat. And the luminous Self of God has burst into me as the unstruck Melody. (Asa M. 5)
8. At the (tenth) door rings the unstruck Melody. The Lord echoes thus in every heart.
(Vadhans M. 5)
9. The skinless drums produce the Music (of Bliss), And the clouds rumble without the rainy season. And lo, without the clouds, it rains, if one reflects on the quintessence.
(Sorath, Namdev)
10. Now I’ve closed all the nine Doors, and (at the Tenth) now rings the Unstruck Melody. (Sorath, Kabir)
11. All wisdom, all meditation is in hearing the gospel of the Perfect God and lo, immense is the joy of the Devotees of God, the Destroyer of worldly bonds, for within them rings the unstruck Music of Bliss.
(Suhi, M. 5)
12. Meditating on the Guru’s Word, the wholesome unstruck Strains one hears. (Sri Rag M. 1)
13. Says Nanak: "Within him Perfect is whose Guru rings the unbeaten Sound, " (Asa, M. 5)
14. How is one to perform Thy worship, O Thou Destroyer of coming-and-going? The unstruck Melody (within) drums ever Thy glory. (Dhanasri M. 1, Arati)
15. What, pray, is the sign of the abode of gods? Therein rings the unstruck Melody of the divine Word. (Ramkali Beni)
16. Now, I hear unmistakably the unstruck Melyd (of the Word) and my mind is pleased with the essence of God. (Ramkali, M. 1)
17. The unstruck Melody rings (within me) night and day. (Ramkali M. 1)
18. Abiding in the stae of fearlessness, one is ever filled with the unstruck Melody (of the
Word). (Ramkali, Kabir)
19. Holding back the outgoing nine sense-organs, one finds rest in the Tenth, that is the Self, whee, attuned to the Guru’s Word, one hears the unstruck Melody, night and day. (Majh M. 3)
20. Meeting with the Saint, one Utters the unutterable and sees the Unseeable, Unknowable
and the Transcendent God. At the Tenth Door rings the Unbeaten Melody and the nectar of the Lord’s Name drips into one’s Self. (Maru M. 5)
21. My doubt and fear are dispelled now that I hear the unstruck Melody. (Maru M. 1)
22. Hearing the unstruck Melody, I abide in the home of my Self, and imbued with the Lord’s Name, I remain Detached in the midst of the household. (Gauri M. 3)
23. Hearing the unstruck Melody, I am wonderstruck and abide in the realm of ecstasy.
(Bhairo, M. 5)
24. When the body dies, where does the soul reside ? It merges in the unstruck Melody of the Word of the Detached One. (Gauri, Kabir)
25. He alone hears in his fortune inner home the five strains in whom God places this power, and, lo, he overwhelms the five demons and smothers the thorn of death. (Ramkali, M. 3)
26. Now the mind wanders not, nor the wind sweeps, for the Yogi is attuned to the unstruck Melody of the Word. And the subtle five strains (1) make him detached. It is God who plays upon the inner harp. (Maru M. 1)
27. One overcomes lust, wrath and ego, nay, all the five thieves through the five strains (of the unstruck Melody) and with the sword of wisdom, one grapples with one’s mind, and the desires of the mind are reabsorbed in the Mind.
28. There rings the subtle Music of the soul to which the holy Sangha attunes. Thee the Saints abide, wrapt in the love of their Loved Lord. There, there’ neither birth nor death, neither pain nor pleasure, and there rains ever the Nectar-Nme of the Lord. (Suhi M. 5)
29. Praise the Lord. Attain to him through the Guru. And, utter ever the Word, and within thee then rings the unstruck Melody (of the Lord’s Name) (Suhi M. 3)
30. Contemplating the Lord, one crosses the Sea of material existence, and one is wholly fulfilled, and all one’s sins are eradicated, and Joy welling up, the unstruck Music rings in one’s Mind. (Suhi M. 5)
31. Through the unstruck Music (of the Word) rings within one, night and day, (then), the state of the deathless Lord is known, by the Guru’s Word, my body and mind are in Bloom. (Suhi M. 5)
32. If the unstruck Melody (of the Word) rings within one, night and day, (then), the state of the deathless Lord is known, by the Guru’s Grace. (Ramkali M. 1)
33. When rings the Unstruck Melody within one, one is rid of one’s fears and doubts.
(Maru M. 1, Dakhne)
34. When one’s qunitessence merges in its like, one’s mind is satiated, and shedding the
sense of the Other, one brings the mind home, and the current of life flows within one and the sky (of the Tenth Door) resounds (with the unstruck Melody).
(Ramkali M. 1, Sidha Goshti)
35. Hear thou the melody in the house of the fourth state, attuned to the region of Void and then thou reflectest on the Unutterable utterance and thy mind’s outgoings submerges in the Mind. (Malhar M. 1)
Any five out of these, according to the yogs: anklebells, gong, conch, tambourine,
rebeck, horn, flute, one-stringed instruments, Veena, etc.
1. Coursing through the life after life, man came in to this world. And in the Dark age found himself clothed with the precious human garment. Know ye that this opportunity will return not; Dwell then on the Lord’s Name that ye are Released from Bondage. Ye shall come not, nor go, again, If ye meditate on the One and One alone (Gauri Bavan Akhri, M. 5)
2. Through myriads of births, man was a worm, an insect. Through myriads of births was he a fish, a deer, an elephant. Through myriads of births was he a house, a tree, Now is the time for thee to meet my God. For, this human body dame into being after along wait. (Asa M. 5)
3. Deal only in what thou camest here for, And through the Guru, God will enter into thy abode. Thy mind will come home, and find its seat in the great Peace, And thy Round will end. (Rag Gauri Poorbi, M. 5)
4. He who, while dying thinks of money, and dies worrying so, He is born and reborn as a serpant. (1)
O love, let me not forsake the Name of the Master of the earth, (1-pause) He who, while dying, thinks of a woman, and dies worrying so, He is recreated again and over again, as a prostitute. (2)
He who while dying, thinks of the sons, and dies worrying so,
He is born and reborn as a swine. (3)
He who while dying, thinks of his mansions, and dies worrying so, He takes re-birth as an evil spirit. (4)
He who Dwells upon the Lord and dies Reflecting thus, He, says trilochana, is Emacipated: within him Abides the "Lord of the Yellow robes." (5-2)
(Trilochan, Gujri)
5. Kabir: Precious is the human birth; it comes not to hand again: As the fruit, when ripe, falls and sticks not again to the bough. (Shlokas of Kabir)