Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 08 Pauree 7-8 |
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bRhm igAwnI kI kImiq nwih ] barahm gi-aanee kee keemat naahi. The God-conscious being cannot be appraised. bRhm igAwnI kY sgl mn mwih ] barahm gi-aanee kai sagal man maahi. The God-conscious being has all within his mind. bRhm igAwnI kw kaun jwnY Bydu ] barahm gi-aanee kaa ka-un jaanai bhayd. Who can know the mystery of the God-conscious being? bRhm igAwnI kau sdw Adysu ] barahm gi-aanee ka-o sadaa adays. Forever bow to the God-conscious being. bRhm igAwnI kw kiQAw n jwie ADwK´ru ] barahm gi-aanee kaa kathi-aa na jaa-ay aDhaakh-yar. The God-conscious being cannot be described in words. bRhm igAwnI srb kw Twkuru ] barahm gi-aanee sarab kaa thaakur. The God-conscious being is the Lord and Master of all. bRhm igAwnI kI imiq kaunu bKwnY ] barahm gi-aanee kee mit ka-un bakhaanai. Who can describe the limits of the God-conscious being? bRhm igAwnI kI giq bRhm igAwnI jwnY ] barahm gi-aanee kee gat barahm gi-aanee jaanai. Only the God-conscious being can know the state of the God-conscious being. bRhm igAwnI kw AMqu n pwru ] barahm gi-aanee kaa ant na paar. The God-conscious being has no end or limitation. nwnk bRhm igAwnI kau sdw nmskwru ]7] naanak barahm gi-aanee ka-o sadaa namaskaar. ||7|| O Nanak, to the God-conscious being, bow forever in reverence. ||7|| bRhm igAwnI sB isRsit kw krqw ] barahm gi-aanee sabh sarisat kaa kartaa. The God-conscious being is the Creator of all the world. bRhm igAwnI sd jIvY nhI mrqw ] barahm gi-aanee sad jeevai nahee martaa. The God-conscious being lives forever, and does not die. bRhm igAwnI mukiq jugiq jIA kw dwqw ] barahm gi-aanee mukat jugat jee-a kaa daataa. The God-conscious being is the Giver of the way of liberation of the soul. bRhm igAwnI pUrn purKu ibDwqw ] barahm gi-aanee pooran purakh biDhaataa. The God-conscious being is the Perfect Supreme Being, who orchestrates all. bRhm igAwnI AnwQ kw nwQu ] barahm gi-aanee anaath kaa naath. The God-conscious being is the helper of the helpless. bRhm igAwnI kw sB aUpir hwQu ] barahm gi-aanee kaa sabh oopar haath. The God-conscious being extends his hand to all. bRhm igAwnI kw sgl Akwru ] barahm gi-aanee kaa sagal akaar. The God-conscious being owns the entire creation. bRhm igAwnI Awip inrMkwru ] barahm gi-aanee aap nirankaar. The God-conscious being is himself the Formless Lord. bRhm igAwnI kI soBw bRhm igAwnI bnI ] barahm gi-aanee kee sobhaa barahm gi-aanee banee. The glory of the God-conscious being belongs to the God-conscious being alone. nwnk bRhm igAwnI srb kw DnI ]8]8] naanak barahm gi-aanee sarab kaa Dhanee. ||8||8|| O Nanak, the God-conscious being is the Lord of all. ||8||8||