Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 17 Pauree 5-6 |
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nIkI kIrI mih kl rwKY ] neekee keeree meh kal raakhai. He infuses His Power into the tiny ant; Bsm krY lskr koit lwKY ] bhasam karai laskar kot laakhai. it can then reduce the armies of millions to ashes ijs kw swsu n kwFq Awip ] jis kaa saas na kaadhat aap. Those whose breath of life He Himself does not take away qw kau rwKq dy kir hwQ ] taa ka-o raakhat day kar haath. – He preserves them, and holds out His Hands to protect them. mwns jqn krq bhu Bwiq ] maanas jatan karat baho bhaat. You may make all sorts of efforts, iqs ky krqb ibrQy jwiq ] tis kay kartab birthay jaat. but these attempts are in vain. mwrY n rwKY Avru n koie ] maarai na raakhai avar na ko-ay. No one else can kill or preserve srb jIAw kw rwKw soie ] sarab jee-aa kaa raakhaa so-ay. – He is the Protector of all beings. kwhy soc krih ry pRwxI ] kaahay soch karahi ray paraanee. So why are you so anxious, O mortal? jip nwnk pRB AlK ivfwxI ]5] jap naanak parabh alakh vidaanee. ||5|| Meditate, O Nanak, on God, the invisible, the wonderful! ||5|| bwrM bwr bwr pRBu jpIAY ] baaraN baar baar parabh japee-ai. Time after time, again and again, meditate on God. pI AMimRqu iehu mnu qnu DRpIAY ] pee amrit ih man tan Dharpee-ai. Drinking in this Nectar, this mind and body are satisfied. nwm rqnu ijin gurmuiK pwieAw ] naam ratan jin gurmukh paa-i-aa. The jewel of the Naam is obtained by the Gurmukhs; iqsu ikCu Avru nwhI idRstwieAw ] tis kichh avar naahee daristaa-i-aa. they see no other than God. nwmu Dnu nwmo rUpu rMgu ] naam Dhan naamo roop rang. Unto them, the Naam is wealth, the Naam is beauty and delight. nwmo suKu hir nwm kw sMgu ] naamo sukh har naam kaa sang. The Naam is peace, the Lord’s Name is their companion. nwm ris jo jn iqRpqwny ] naam ras jo jan tariptaanay. Those who are satisfied by the essence of the Naam mn qn nwmih nwim smwny ] man tan naameh naam samaanay. – their minds and bodies are drenched with the Naam. aUTq bYTq sovq nwm ] oothat baithat sovat naam. While standing up, sitting down and sleeping, the Naam, khu nwnk jn kY sd kwm ]6] kaho naanak jan kai sad kaam. ||6|| says Nanak, is forever the occupation of God’s humble servant. ||6||