Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 19 Pauree 3-4 |
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mnu prboDhu hir kY nwie ] man parboDhahu har kai naa-ay. Enlighten your mind with the Name of the Lord. dh idis Dwvq AwvY Twie ] dah dis Dhaavat aavai thaa-ay. Having wandered around in the ten directions, it comes to its place of rest. qw kau ibGnu n lwgY koie ] taa ka-o bighan na laagai ko-ay. No obstacle stands in the way of one jw kY irdY bsY hir soie ] jaa kai ridai basai har so-ay. whose heart is filled with the Lord. kil qwqI TWFw hir nwau ] kal taatee thaaNdhaa har naa-o. The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is so hot; the Lord’s Name is soothing and cool. ismir ismir sdw suK pwau ] simar simar sadaa sukh paa-o. Remember, remember it in meditation, and obtain everlasting peace. Bau ibnsY pUrn hoie Aws ] bha-o binsai pooran ho-ay aas. Your fear shall be dispelled, and your hopes shall be fulfilled. Bgiq Bwie Awqm prgws ] bhagat bhaa-ay aatam pargaas. By devotional worship and loving adoration, your soul shall be enlightened. iqqu Gir jwie bsY AibnwsI ] tit ghar jaa-ay basai abhinaasee. You shall go to that home, and live forever. khu nwnk kwtI jm PwsI ]3] kaho naanak kaatee jam faasee. ||3|| Says Nanak, the noose of death is cut away. ||3|| qqu bIcwru khY jnu swcw ] tat beechaar kahai jan saachaa. One who contemplates the essence of reality, is said to be the true person. jnim mrY so kwco kwcw ] janam marai so kaacho kaachaa. Birth and death are the lot of the false and the insincere. Awvw gvnu imtY pRB syv ] aavaa gavan mitai parabh sayv. Coming and going in reincarnation is ended by serving God. Awpu iqAwig srin gurdyv ] aap ti-aag saran gurdayv. Give up your selfishness and conceit, and seek the Sanctuary of the Divine Guru. ieau rqn jnm kw hoie auDwru ] i-o ratan janam kaa ho-ay uDhaar. Thus the jewel of this human life is saved. hir hir ismir pRwn AwDwru ] har har simar paraan aaDhaar. Remember the Lord, Har, Har, the Support of the breath of life. Aink aupwv n CUtnhwry ] anik upaav na chhootanhaaray. By all sorts of efforts, people are not saved isMimRiq swsq byd bIcwry ] simrit saasat bayd beechaaray. – not by studying the Simritees, the Shaastras or the Vedas. hir kI Bgiq krhu mnu lwie ] har kee bhagat karahu man laa-ay. Worship the Lord with whole-hearted devotion. min bMCq nwnk Pl pwie ]4] man banchhat naanak fal paa-ay. ||4|| O Nanak, you shall obtain the fruits of your mind’s desire. ||4||