Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 19 Pauree 5-6 |
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sMig n cwlis qyrY Dnw ] sang na chaalas tayrai Dhanaa. Your wealth shall not go with you; qUM ikAw lptwvih mUrK mnw ] tooN ki-aa laptaavahi moorakh manaa. why do you cling to it, you fool? suq mIq kutMb Aru binqw ] sut meet kutamb ar banitaa. Children, friends, family and spouse ien qy khhu qum kvn snwQw ] in tay kahhu tum kavan sanaathaa. – who of these shall accompany you? rwj rMg mwieAw ibsQwr ] raaj rang maa-i-aa bisthaar. Power, pleasure, and the vast expanse of Maya ien qy khhu kvn Cutkwr ] in tay kahhu kavan chhutkaar. – who has ever escaped from these? Asu hsqI rQ AsvwrI ] as hastee rath asvaaree. Horses, elephants, chariots and pageantry JUTw fMPu JUTu pwswrI ] jhoothaa damf jhooth paasaaree. – false shows and false displays. ijin dIey iqsu buJY n ibgwnw ] jin dee-ay tis bujhai na bigaanaa. The fool does not acknowledge the One who gave this; nwmu ibswir nwnk pCuqwnw ]5] naam bisaar naanak pachhutaanaa. ||5|| forgetting the Naam, O Nanak, he will repent in the end. ||5|| gur kI miq qUM lyih ieAwny ] gur kee mat tooN layhi i-aanay. Take the Guru’s advice, you ignorant fool; Bgiq ibnw bhu fUby isAwny ] bhagat binaa baho doobay si-aanay. without devotion, even the clever have drowned. hir kI Bgiq krhu mn mIq ] har kee bhagat karahu man meet. Worship the Lord with heart-felt devotion, my friend; inrml hoie qum@wro cIq ] nirmal ho-ay tumHaaro cheet. your consciousness shall become pure. crn kml rwKhu mn mwih ] charan kamal raakho man maahi. Enshrine the Lord’s Lotus Feet in your mind; jnm jnm ky iklibK jwih ] janam janam kay kilbikh jaahi. the sins of countless lifetimes shall depart. Awip jphu Avrw nwmu jpwvhu ] aap japahu avraa naam japaavhu. Chant the Naam yourself, and inspire others to chant it as well. sunq khq rhq giq pwvhu ] sunat kahat rahat gat paavhu. Hearing, speaking and living it, emancipation is obtained. swr BUq siq hir ko nwau ] saar bhoot sat har ko naa-o. The essential reality is the True Name of the Lord. shij suBwie nwnk gun gwau ]6] sahj subhaa-ay naanak gun gaa-o. ||6|| With intuitive ease, O Nanak, sing His Glorious Praises. ||6||