Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 20 Pauree 1-2 |
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sloku ] salok. Shalok: iPrq iPrq pRB AwieAw pirAw qau srnwie ] firat firat parabh aa-i-aa pari-aa ta-o sarnaa-ay. After wandering and wandering, O God, I have come, and entered Your Sanctuary. nwnk kI pRB bynqI ApnI BgqI lwie ]1] naanak kee parabh bayntee apnee bhagtee laa-ay. ||1|| This is Nanak’s prayer, O God: please, attach me to Your devotional service. ||1|| AstpdI ] asatpadee. Ashtapadee: jwck jnu jwcY pRB dwnu ] jaachak jan jaachai parabh daan. I am a beggar; I beg for this gift from You: kir ikrpw dyvhu hir nwmu ] kar kirpaa dayvhu har naam. please, by Your Mercy, Lord, give me Your Name. swD jnw kI mwgau DUir ] saaDh janaa kee maaga-o Dhoor. I ask for the dust of the feet of the Holy. pwrbRhm myrI srDw pUir ] paarbarahm mayree sarDhaa poor. O Supreme Lord God, please fulfill my yearning; sdw sdw pRB ky gun gwvau ] sadaa sadaa parabh kay gun gaava-o. may I sing the Glorious Praises of God forever and ever. swis swis pRB qumih iDAwvau ] saas saas parabh tumeh Dhi-aava-o. With each and every breath, may I meditate on You, O God. crn kml isau lwgY pRIiq ] charan kamal si-o laagai pareet. May I enshrine affection for Your Lotus Feet. Bgiq krau pRB kI inq nIiq ] bhagat kara-o parabh kee nit neet. May I perform devotional worship to God each and every day. eyk Et eyko AwDwru ] ayk ot ayko aaDhaar. You are my only Shelter, my only Support. nwnku mwgY nwmu pRB swru ]1] naanak maagai naam parabh saar. ||1|| Nanak asks for the most sublime, the Naam, the Name of God. ||1|| pRB kI idRsit mhw suKu hoie ] parabh kee darisat mahaa sukh ho-ay. By God’s Gracious Glance, there is great peace. hir rsu pwvY ibrlw koie ] har ras paavai birlaa ko-ay. Rare are those who obtain the juice of the Lord’s essence. ijn cwiKAw sy jn iqRpqwny ] jin chaakhi-aa say jan tariptaanay. Those who taste it are satisfied. pUrn purK nhI folwny ] pooran purakh nahee dolaanay. They are fulfilled and realized beings – they do not waver. suBr Bry pRym rs rMig ] subhar bharay paraym ras rang. They are totally filled to over-flowing with the sweet delight of His Love. aupjY cwau swD kY sMig ] upjai chaa-o saaDh kai sang. Spiritual delight wells up within, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. pry srin Awn sB iqAwig ] paray saran aan sabh ti-aag. Taking to His Sanctuary, they forsake all others. AMqir pRgws Anidnu ilv lwig ] antar pargaas an-din liv laag. Deep within, they are enlightened, and they center themselves on Him, day and night. bfBwgI jipAw pRBu soie ] badbhaagee japi-aa parabh so-ay. Most fortunate are those who meditate on God. nwnk nwim rqy suKu hoie ]2] naanak naam ratay sukh ho-ay. ||2|| O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, they are at peace. ||2||