Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 23 Pauree 1-2 |
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sloku ] salok. Shalok: igAwn AMjnu guir dIAw AigAwn AMDyr ibnwsu ] gi-aan anjan gur dee-aa agi-aan anDhayr binaas. The Guru has given the healing ointment of spiritual wisdom, and dispelled the darkness of ignorance. hir ikrpw qy sMq ByitAw nwnk min prgwsu ]1] har kirpaa tay sant bhayti-aa naanak man pargaas. ||1|| By the Lord’s Grace, I have met the Saint; O Nanak, my mind is enlightened. ||1|| AstpdI ] asatpadee. Ashtapadee: sMqsMig AMqir pRBu fITw ] satsang antar parabh deethaa. In the Society of the Saints, I see God deep within my being. nwmu pRBU kw lwgw mITw ] naam parabhoo kaa laagaa meethaa. God’s Name is sweet to me. sgl simgRI eyksu Gt mwih ] sagal samagree aykas ghat maahi. All things are contained in the Heart of the One, Aink rMg nwnw idRstwih ] anik rang naanaa daristaahi. although they appear in so many various colors. nau iniD AMimRqu pRB kw nwmu ] na-o niDh amrit parabh kaa naam. The nine treasures are in the Ambrosial Name of God. dyhI mih ies kw ibsRwmu ] dayhee meh is kaa bisraam. Within the human body is its place of rest. suMn smwiD Anhq qh nwd ] sunn samaaDh anhat tah naad. The Deepest Samaadhi, and the unstruck sound current of the Naad are there. khnu n jweI Acrj ibsmwd ] kahan na jaa-ee achraj bismaad. The wonder and marvel of it cannot be described. iqin dyiKAw ijsu Awip idKwey ] tin daykhi-aa jis aap dikhaa-ay. He alone sees it, unto whom God Himself reveals it. nwnk iqsu jn soJI pwey ]1] naanak tis jan sojhee paa-ay. ||1|| O Nanak, that humble being understands. ||1|| so AMqir so bwhir Anµq ] so antar so baahar anant. The Infinite Lord is inside, and outside as well. Git Git ibAwip rihAw BgvMq ] ghat ghat bi-aap rahi-aa bhagvant. Deep within each and every heart, the Lord God is pervading. Drin mwih Awkws pieAwl ] Dharan maahi aakaas pa-i-aal. In the earth, in the Akaashic ethers, and in the nether regions of the underworld srb lok pUrn pRiqpwl ] sarab lok pooran partipaal. – in all worlds, He is the Perfect Cherisher. bin iqin prbiq hY pwrbRhmu ] ban tin parbat hai paarbarahm. In the forests, fields and mountains, He is the Supreme Lord God. jYsI AwigAw qYsw krmu ] jaisee aagi-aa taisaa karam. As He orders, so do His creatures act. paux pwxI bYsMqr mwih ] pa-un paanee baisantar maahi. He permeates the winds and the waters. cwir kuMt dh idsy smwih ] chaar kunt dah disay samaahi. He is pervading in the four corners and in the ten directions. iqs qy iBMn nhI ko Twau ] tis tay bhinn nahee ko thaa-o. Without Him, there is no place at all. gur pRswid nwnk suKu pwau ]2] gur parsaad naanak sukh paa-o. ||2|| By Guru’s Grace, O Nanak, peace is obtained. ||2||