Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 24 Pauree 5-6 |
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pRB kI ausqiq krhu sMq mIq ] parabh kee ustat karahu sant meet. Sing the Praises of God, O Saints, O friends, swvDwn eykwgr cIq ] saavDhaan aykaagar cheet. with total concentration and one-pointedness of mind. suKmnI shj goibMd gun nwm ] sukhmanee sahj gobind gun naam. Sukhmani is the peaceful ease, the Glory of God, the Naam. ijsu min bsY su hoq inDwn ] jis man basai so hot niDhaan. When it abides in the mind, one becomes wealthy. srb ieCw qw kI pUrn hoie ] sarab ichhaa taa kee pooran ho-ay. All desires are fulfilled. pRDwn purKu pRgtu sB loie ] parDhaan purakh pargat sabh lo-ay. One becomes the most respected person, famous all over the world. sB qy aUc pwey AsQwnu ] sabh tay ooch paa-ay asthaan. He obtains the highest place of all. bhuir n hovY Awvn jwnu ] bahur na hovai aavan jaan. He does not come and go in reincarnation any longer. hir Dnu Kwit clY jnu soie ] har Dhan khaat chalai jan so-ay. One who departs, after earning the wealth of the Lord’s Name, nwnk ijsih prwpiq hoie ]5] naanak jisahi paraapat ho-ay. ||5|| O Nanak, realizes it. ||5|| Kym sWiq iriD nv iniD ] khaym saaNt riDh nav niDh. Comfort, peace and tranquility, wealth and the nine treasures; buiD igAwnu srb qh isiD ] buDh gi-aan sarab tah siDh. wisdom, knowledge, and all spiritual powers; ibidAw qpu jogu pRB iDAwnu ] bidi-aa tap jog parabh Dhi-aan. learning, penance, Yoga and meditation on God; igAwnu sRyst aUqm iesnwnu ] gi-aan saraysat ootam isnaan. The most sublime wisdom and purifying baths; cwir pdwrQ kml pRgws ] chaar padaarath kamal pargaas. the four cardinal blessings, the opening of the heart-lotus; sB kY miD sgl qy audws ] sabh kai maDh sagal tay udaas. in the midst of all, and yet detached from all; suMdru cquru qq kw byqw ] sundar chatur tat kaa baytaa. beauty, intelligence, and the realization of reality; smdrsI eyk idRstyqw ] samadrasee ayk daristaytaa. to look impartially upon all, and to see only the One ieh Pl iqsu jn kY muiK Bny ] gur nwnk nwm bcn min suny ]6] ih fal tis jan kai mukh bhanay. gur naanak naam bachan man sunay. ||6|| – these blessings come to one who, through Guru Nanak, chants the Naam with his mouth, and hears the Word with his ears. ||6||