Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 12 Pauree 1-2 |
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shs Kty lK kau auiT DwvY ] sahas khatay lakh ka-o uth Dhaavai. Earning a thousand, he runs after a hundred thousand. iqRpiq n AwvY mwieAw pwCY pwvY ] taripat na aavai maa-i-aa paachhai paavai. Satisfaction is not obtained by chasing after Maya. Aink Bog ibiKAw ky krY ] anik bhog bikhi-aa kay karai. He may enjoy all sorts of corrupt pleasures, nh iqRpqwvY Kip Kip mrY ] nah tariptaavai khap khap marai. but he is still not satisfied; he indulges again and again, wearing himself out, until he dies. ibnw sMqoK nhI koaU rwjY ] binaa santokh nahee ko-oo raajai. Without contentment, no one is satisfied. supn mnorQ ibRQy sB kwjY ] supan manorath barithay sabh kaajai. Like the objects in a dream, all his efforts are in vain. nwm rMig srb suKu hoie ] naam rang sarab sukh ho-ay. Through the love of the Naam, all peace is obtained. bfBwgI iksY prwpiq hoie ] badbhaagee kisai paraapat ho-ay. Only a few obtain this, by great good fortune. krn krwvn Awpy Awip ] karan karaavan aapay aap. He Himself is Himself the Cause of causes. sdw sdw nwnk hir jwip ]5] sadaa sadaa naanak har jaap. ||5|| Forever and ever, O Nanak, chant the Lord’s Name. ||5|| krn krwvn krnYhwru ] karan karaavan karnaihaar. The Doer, the Cause of causes, is the Creator Lord. ies kY hwiQ khw bIcwru ] is kai haath kahaa beechaar. What deliberations are in the hands of mortal beings? jYsI idRsit kry qYsw hoie ] jaisee darisat karay taisaa ho-ay. As God casts His Glance of Grace, they come to be. Awpy Awip Awip pRBu soie ] aapay aap aap parabh so-ay. God Himself, of Himself, is unto Himself. jo ikCu kIno su ApnY rMig ] jo kichh keeno so apnai rang. Whatever He created, was by His Own Pleasure. sB qy dUir sBhU kY sMig ] sabh tay door sabhhoo kai sang. He is far from all, and yet with all. bUJY dyKY krY ibbyk ] boojhai daykhai karai bibayk. He understands, He sees, and He passes judgment. Awpih eyk Awpih Anyk ] aapeh ayk aapeh anayk. He Himself is the One, and He Himself is the many. mrY n ibnsY AwvY n jwie ] marai na binsai aavai na jaa-ay. He does not die or perish; He does not come or go. nwnk sd hI rihAw smwie ]6] naanak sad hee rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||6|| O Nanak, He remains forever All-pervading. ||6||