Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 03 Pauree 5-6 |
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cwir pdwrQ jy ko mwgY ] chaar padaarath jay ko maagai. One who prays for the four cardinal blessings swD jnw kI syvw lwgY ] saaDh janaa kee sayvaa laagai. should commit himself to the service of the Saints. jy ko Awpunw dUKu imtwvY ] jay ko aapunaa dookh mitaavai. If you wish to erase your sorrows, hir hir nwmu irdY sd gwvY ] har har naam ridai sad gaavai. sing the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within your heart. jy ko ApunI soBw lorY ] jay ko apunee sobhaa lorai. If you long for honor for yourself, swDsMig ieh haumY CorY ] saaDhsang ih ha-umai chhorai. then renounce your ego in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy. jy ko jnm mrx qy frY ] jay ko janam maran tay darai. If you fear the cycle of birth and death, swD jnw kI srnI prY ] saaDh janaa kee sarnee parai. then seek the Sanctuary of the Holy. ijsu jn kau pRB drs ipAwsw ] jis jan ka-o parabh daras pi-aasaa. Those who thirst for the Blessed Vision of God’s Darshan nwnk qw kY bil bil jwsw ]5] naanak taa kai bal bal jaasaa. ||5|| – Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. ||5|| sgl purK mih purKu pRDwnu ] sagal purakh meh purakh parDhaan. Among all persons, the supreme person is the one swDsMig jw kw imtY AiBmwnu ] saaDhsang jaa kaa mitai abhimaan. who gives up his egotistical pride in the Company of the Holy. Awps kau jo jwxY nIcw ] aapas ka-o jo jaanai neechaa. One who sees himself as lowly, soaU gnIAY sB qy aUcw ] so-oo ganee-ai sabh tay oochaa. shall be accounted as the highest of all. jw kw mnu hoie sgl kI rInw ] jaa kaa man ho-ay sagal kee reenaa. One whose mind is the dust of all, hir hir nwmu iqin Git Git cInw ] har har naam tin ghat ghat cheenaa. recognizes the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in each and every heart. mn Apuny qy burw imtwnw ] man apunay tay buraa mitaanaa. One who eradicates cruelty from within his own mind, pyKY sgl isRsit swjnw ] paykhai sagal sarisat saajnaa. looks upon all the world as his friend. sUK dUK jn sm idRstyqw ] sookh dookh jan sam daristaytaa. One who looks upon pleasure and pain as one and the same, nwnk pwp puMn nhI lypw ]6] naanak paap punn nahee laypaa. ||6|| O Nanak, is not affected by sin or virtue. ||6||