Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 09 Pauree 5-6 |
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bIj mMqRü srb ko igAwnu ] beej mantar sarab ko gi-aan. The Beej Mantra, the Seed Mantra, is spiritual wisdom for everyone. chu vrnw mih jpY koaU nwmu ] chahu varnaa meh japai ko-oo naam. Anyone, from any class, may chant the Naam. jo jo jpY iqs kI giq hoie ] jo jo japai tis kee gat ho-ay. Whoever chants it, is emancipated. swDsMig pwvY jnu koie ] saaDhsang paavai jan ko-ay. And yet, rare are those who attain it, in the Company of the Holy. kir ikrpw AMqir aur DwrY ] kar kirpaa antar ur Dhaarai. By His Grace, He enshrines it within. psu pRyq muGd pwQr kau qwrY ] pas parayt mughad paathar ka-o taarai. Even beasts, ghosts and the stone-hearted are saved. srb rog kw AauKdu nwmu ] sarab rog kaa a-ukhad naam. The Naam is the panacea, the remedy to cure all ills. kilAwx rUp mMgl gux gwm ] kali-aan roop mangal gun gaam. Singing the Glory of God is the embodiment of bliss and emancipation. kwhU jugiq ikqY n pweIAY Drim ] kaahoo jugat kitai na paa-ee-ai Dharam. It cannot be obtained by any religious rituals. nwnk iqsu imlY ijsu iliKAw Duir krim ]5] naanak tis milai jis likhi-aa Dhur karam. ||5|| O Nanak, he alone obtains it, whose karma is so pre-ordained. ||5|| ijs kY min pwrbRhm kw invwsu ] jis kai man paarbarahm kaa nivaas. One whose mind is a home for the Supreme Lord God iqs kw nwmu siq rwmdwsu ] tis kaa naam sat raamdaas. – his name is truly Ram Das, the Lord’s servant. Awqm rwmu iqsu ndrI AwieAw ] aatam raam tis nadree aa-i-aa. He comes to have the Vision of the Lord, the Supreme Soul. dws dsMqx Bwie iqin pwieAw ] daas dasantan bhaa-ay tin paa-i-aa. Deeming himself to be the slave of the Lord’s slaves, he obtains it. sdw inkit inkit hir jwnu ] sadaa nikat nikat har jaan. He knows the Lord to be Ever-present, close at hand. so dwsu drgh prvwnu ] so daas dargeh parvaan. Such a servant is honored in the Court of the Lord. Apuny dws kau Awip ikrpw krY ] apunay daas ka-o aap kirpaa karai. To His servant, He Himself shows His Mercy. iqsu dws kau sB soJI prY ] tis daas ka-o sabh sojhee parai. Such a servant understands everything. sgl sMig Awqm audwsu ] sagal sang aatam udaas. Amidst all, his soul is unattached. AYsI jugiq nwnk rwmdwsu ]6] aisee jugat naanak raamdaas. ||6|| Such is the way, O Nanak, of the Lord’s servant. ||6||