Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 10 Pauree 3-4 |
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keI koit isD jqI jogI ] ka-ee kot siDh jatee jogee. Many millions are Siddhas, celibates and Yogis. keI koit rwjy rs BogI ] ka-ee kot raajay ras bhogee. Many millions are kings, enjoying worldly pleasures. keI koit pMKI srp aupwey ] ka-ee kot pankhee sarap upaa-ay. Many millions of birds and snakes have been created. keI koit pwQr ibrK inpjwey ] ka-ee kot paathar birakh nipjaa-ay. Many millions of stones and trees have been produced. keI koit pvx pwxI bYsMqr ] ka-ee kot pavan paanee baisantar. Many millions are the winds, waters and fires. keI koit dys BU mMfl ] ka-ee kot days bhoo mandal. Many millions are the countries and realms of the world. keI koit ssIAr sUr nK´qR ] ka-ee kot sasee-ar soor nakh-yatar. Many millions are the moons, suns and stars. keI koit dyv dwnv ieMdR isir CqR ] ka-ee kot dayv daanav indar sir chhatar. Many millions are the demi-gods, demons and Indras, under their regal canopies. sgl smgRI ApnY sUiq DwrY ] sagal samagree apnai soot Dhaarai. He has strung the entire creation upon His thread. nwnk ijsu ijsu BwvY iqsu iqsu insqwrY ]3] naanak jis jis bhaavai tis tis nistaarai. ||3|| O Nanak, He emancipates those with whom He is pleased. ||3|| keI koit rwjs qwms swqk ] ka-ee kot raajas taamas saatak. Many millions abide in heated activity, slothful darkness and peaceful light. keI koit byd purwn isimRiq Aru swsq ] ka-ee kot bayd puraan simrit ar saasat. Many millions are the Vedas, Puraanas, Simritees and Shaastras. keI koit kIey rqn smud ] ka-ee kot kee-ay ratan samud. Many millions are the pearls of the oceans. keI koit nwnw pRkwr jMq ] ka-ee kot naanaa parkaar jant. Many millions are the beings of so many descriptions. keI koit kIey icr jIvy ] ka-ee kot kee-ay chir jeevay. Many millions are made long-lived. keI koit igrI myr suvrn QIvy ] ka-ee kot giree mayr suvran theevay. Many millions of hills and mountains have been made of gold. keI koit jK´ ikMnr ipswc ] ka-ee kot jakh-y kinnar pisaach. Many millions are the Yakhshas – the servants of the god of wealth, the Kinnars – the gods of celestial music, and the evil spirits of the Pisaach. keI koit BUq pRyq sUkr imRgwc ] ka-ee kot bhoot parayt sookar marigaach. Many millions are the evil nature-spirits, ghosts, pigs and tigers. sB qy nyrY sBhU qy dUir ] sabh tay nayrai sabhhoo tay door. He is near to all, and yet far from all; nwnk Awip Ailpqu rihAw BrpUir ]4] naanak aap alipat rahi-aa bharpoor. ||4|| O Nanak, He Himself remains distinct, while yet pervading all. ||4||