Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 03 Pauree 3-4 |
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mn kwmnw qIrQ dyh CutY ] man kaamnaa tirath dayh chhutai. With your mind filled with desire, you may give up your body at a sacred shrine of pilgrimage; grbu gumwnu n mn qy hutY ] garab gumaan na man tay hutai. but even so, egotistical pride shall not be removed from your mind. soc krY idnsu Aru rwiq ] soch karai dinas ar raat. You may practice cleansing day and night, mn kI mYlu n qn qy jwiq ] man kee mail na tan tay jaat. but the filth of your mind shall not leave your body. iesu dyhI kau bhu swDnw krY ] is dayhee ka-o baho saaDhnaa karai. You may subject your body to all sorts of disciplines, mn qy kbhU n ibiKAw trY ] man tay kabhoo na bikhi-aa tarai. but your mind will never be rid of its corruption. jil DovY bhu dyh AnIiq ] jal Dhovai baho dayh aneet. You may wash this transitory body with loads of water, suD khw hoie kwcI BIiq ] suDh kahaa ho-ay kaachee bheet. but how can a wall of mud be washed clean? mn hir ky nwm kI mihmw aUc ] man har kay naam kee mahimaa ooch. O my mind, the Glorious Praise of the Name of the Lord is the highest; nwnk nwim auDry piqq bhu mUc ]3] naanak naam uDhray patit baho mooch. ||3|| O Nanak, the Naam has saved so many of the worst sinners. ||3|| bhuqu isAwxp jm kw Bau ibAwpY ] bahut si-aanap jam kaa bha-o bi-aapai. Even with great cleverness, the fear of death clings to you. Aink jqn kir iqRsn nw DRwpY ] anik jatan kar tarisan naa Dharaapai. You try all sorts of things, but your thirst is still not satisfied. ByK Anyk Agin nhI buJY ] bhaykh anayk agan nahee bujhai. Wearing various religious robes, the fire is not extinguished. koit aupwv drgh nhI isJY ] kot upaav dargeh nahee sijhai. Even making millions of efforts, you shall not be accepted in the Court of the Lord. CUtis nwhI aUB pieAwil ] chhootas naahee oobh pa-i-aal. You cannot escape to the heavens, or to the nether regions, moih ibAwpih mwieAw jwil ] mohi bi-aapahi maa-i-aa jaal. if you are entangled in emotional attachment and the net of Maya. Avr krqUiq sglI jmu fwnY ] avar kartoot saglee jam daanai. All other efforts are punished by the Messenger of Death, goivMd Bjn ibnu iqlu nhI mwnY ] govind bhajan bin til nahee maanai. which accepts nothing at all, except meditation on the Lord of the Universe. hir kw nwmu jpq duKu jwie ] har kaa naam japat dukh jaa-ay. Chanting the Name of the Lord, sorrow is dispelled. nwnk bolY shij suBwie ]4] naanak bolai sahj subhaa-ay. ||4|| O Nanak, chant it with intuitive ease. ||4||