Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 12 Pauree 1-2 |
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koit krm krY hau Dwry ] kot karam karai ha-o Dhaaray. If someone does millions of good deeds, while acting in ego, sRmu pwvY sgly ibrQwry ] saram paavai saglay birthaaray. he shall incur only trouble; all this is in vain. Aink qpisAw kry AhMkwr ] anik tapasi-aa karay ahaNkaar. If someone performs great penance, while acting in selfishness and conceit, nrk surg iPir iPir Avqwr ] narak surag fir fir avtaar. he shall be reincarnated into heaven and hell, over and over again. Aink jqn kir Awqm nhI dRvY ] anik jatan kar aatam nahee darvai. He makes all sorts of efforts, but his soul is still not softened hir drgh khu kYsy gvY ] har dargeh kaho kaisay gavai. – how can he go to the Court of the Lord? Awps kau jo Blw khwvY ] aapas ka-o jo bhalaa kahaavai. One who calls himself good iqsih BlweI inkit n AwvY ] tiseh bhalaa-ee nikat na aavai. – goodness shall not draw near him. srb kI ryn jw kw mnu hoie ] sarab kee rayn jaa kaa man ho-ay. One whose mind is the dust of all khu nwnk qw kI inrml soie ]3] kaho naanak taa kee nirmal so-ay. ||3|| – says Nanak, his reputation is spotlessly pure. ||3|| jb lgu jwnY muJ qy kCu hoie ] jab lag jaanai mujh tay kachh ho-ay. As long as someone thinks that he is the one who acts, qb ies kau suKu nwhI koie ] tab is ka-o sukh naahee ko-ay. he shall have no peace. jb ieh jwnY mY ikCu krqw ] jab ih jaanai mai kichh kartaa. As long as this mortal thinks that he is the one who does things, qb lgu grB join mih iPrqw ] tab lag garabh jon meh firtaa. he shall wander in reincarnation through the womb. jb DwrY koaU bYrI mIqu ] jab Dhaarai ko-oo bairee meet. As long as he considers one an enemy, and another a friend, qb lgu inhclu nwhI cIqu ] tab lag nihchal naahee cheet. his mind shall not come to rest. jb lgu moh mgn sMig mwie ] jab lag moh magan sang maa-ay. As long as he is intoxicated with attachment to Maya, qb lgu Drm rwie dyie sjwie ] tab lag Dharam raa-ay day-ay sajaa-ay. the Righteous Judge shall punish him. pRB ikrpw qy bMDn qUtY ] parabh kirpaa tay banDhan tootai. By God’s Grace, his bonds are shattered; gur pRswid nwnk hau CUtY ]4] gur parsaad naanak ha-o chhootai. ||4|| by Guru’s Grace, O Nanak, his ego is eliminated. ||4||