Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 15 pauree 5-6 |
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ijsu vKr kau lYin qU AwieAw ] jis vakhar ka-o lain too aa-i-aa. This merchandise, which you have come to obtai rwm nwmu sMqn Gir pwieAw ] raam naam santan ghar paa-i-aa. n – the Lord’s Name is obtained in the home of the Saints. qij AiBmwnu lyhu mn moil ] rwm nwmu ihrdy mih qoil ] taj abhimaan layho man mol. raam naam hirday meh tol. Renounce your egotistical pride, and with your mind, purchase the Lord’s Name – measure it out within your heart. lwid Kyp sMqh sMig cwlu ] laad khayp santeh sang chaal. Load up this merchandise, and set out with the Saints. Avr iqAwig ibiKAw jMjwl ] avar ti-aag bikhi-aa janjaal. Give up other corrupt entanglements. DMin DMin khY sBu koie ] Dhan Dhan kahai sabh ko-ay. "Blessed, blessed", everyone will call you, muK aUjl hir drgh soie ] mukh oojal har dargeh so-ay. and your face shall be radiant in the Court of the Lord. iehu vwpwru ivrlw vwpwrY ] ih vaapaar virlaa vaapaarai. In this trade, only a few are trading. nwnk qw kY sd bilhwrY ]5] naanak taa kai sad balihaarai. ||5|| Nanak is forever a sacrifice to them. ||5|| crn swD ky Doie Doie pIau ] charan saaDh kay Dho-ay Dho-ay pee-o. Wash the feet of the Holy, and drink in this water. Arip swD kau Apnw jIau ] arap saaDh ka-o apnaa jee-o. Dedicate your soul to the Holy. swD kI DUir krhu iesnwnu ] saaDh kee Dhoor karahu isnaan. Take your cleansing bath in the dust of the feet of the Holy. swD aUpir jweIAY kurbwnu ] saaDh oopar jaa-ee-ai kurbaan. To the Holy, make your life a sacrifice. swD syvw vfBwgI pweIAY ] saaDh sayvaa vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai. Service to the Holy is obtained by great good fortune. swDsMig hir kIrqnu gweIAY ] saaDhsang har keertan gaa-ee-ai. In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the Kirtan of the Lord’s Praise is sung. Aink ibGn qy swDU rwKY ] anik bighan tay saaDhoo raakhai. From all sorts of dangers, the Saint saves us. hir gun gwie AMimRq rsu cwKY ] har gun gaa-ay amrit ras chaakhai. Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, we taste the ambrosial essence. Et ghI sMqh dir AwieAw ] ot gahee santeh dar aa-i-aa. Seeking the Protection of the Saints, we have come to their door. srb sUK nwnk iqh pwieAw ]6] sarab sookh naanak tih paa-i-aa. ||6|| All comforts, O Nanak, are so obtained. ||6||