Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee13 Pauree 7-8 |
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sMq kw doKI ibgV rUpu hoie jwie ] sant kaa dokhee bigarh roop ho-ay jaa-ay. The slanderer of the Saint becomes deformed. sMq ky doKI kau drgh imlY sjwie ] sant kay dokhee ka-o dargeh milai sajaa-ay. The slanderer of the Saint receives his punishment in the Court of the Lord. sMq kw doKI sdw shkweIAY ] sant kaa dokhee sadaa sahkaa-ee-ai. The slanderer of the Saint is eternally in limbo. sMq kw doKI n mrY n jIvweIAY ] sant kaa dokhee na marai na jeevaa-ee-ai. He does not die, but he does not live either. sMq ky doKI kI pujY n Awsw ] sant kay dokhee kee pujai na aasaa. The hopes of the slanderer of the Saint are not fulfilled. sMq kw doKI auiT clY inrwsw ] sant kaa dokhee uth chalai niraasaa. The slanderer of the Saint departs disappointed. sMq kY doiK n iqRstY koie ] sant kai dokh na taristai ko-ay. Slandering the Saint, no one attains satisfaction. jYsw BwvY qYsw koeI hoie ] jaisaa bhaavai taisaa ko-ee ho-ay. As it pleases the Lord, so do people become; pieAw ikrqu n mytY koie ] pa-i-aa kirat na maytai ko-ay. no one can erase their past actions. nwnk jwnY scw soie ]7] naanak jaanai sachaa so-ay. ||7|| O Nanak, the True Lord alone knows all. ||7|| sB Gt iqs ky Ehu krnYhwru ] sabh ghat tis kay oh karnaihaar. All hearts are His; He is the Creator. sdw sdw iqs kau nmskwru ] sadaa sadaa tis ka-o namaskaar. Forever and ever, I bow to Him in reverence. pRB kI ausqiq krhu idnu rwiq ] parabh kee ustat karahu din raat. Praise God, day and night. iqsih iDAwvhu swis igrwis ] tiseh Dhi-aavahu saas giraas. Meditate on Him with every breath and morsel of food. sBu kCu vrqY iqs kw kIAw ] sabh kachh vartai tis kaa kee-aa. Everything happens as He wills. jYsw kry qYsw ko QIAw ] jaisaa karay taisaa ko thee-aa. As He wills, so people become. Apnw Kylu Awip krnYhwru ] apnaa khayl aap karnaihaar. He Himself is the play, and He Himself is the actor. dUsr kaunu khY bIcwru ] doosar ka-un kahai beechaar. Who else can speak or deliberate upon this? ijs no ik®pw krY iqsu Awpn nwmu dyie ] jis no kirpaa karai tis aapan naam day-ay. He Himself gives His Name to those, upon whom He bestows His Mercy. bfBwgI nwnk jn syie ]8]13] badbhaagee naanak jan say-ay. ||8||13|| Very fortunate, O Nanak, are those people. ||8||13||