Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 11 Pauree 7-8 |
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kbhU hoie pMifqu kry bK´wnu ] kabhoo ho-ay pandit karay bakh-yaan. Sometimes, as scholars, they deliver lectures. kbhU moinDwrI lwvY iDAwnu ] kabhoo moniDhaaree laavai Dhi-aan. Sometimes, they hold to silence in deep meditation. kbhU qt qIrQ iesnwn ] kabhoo tat tirath isnaan. Sometimes, they take cleansing baths at places of pilgrimage. kbhU isD swiDk muiK igAwn ] kabhoo siDh saaDhik mukh gi-aan. Sometimes, as Siddhas or seekers, they impart spiritual wisdom. kbhU kIt hsiq pqMg hoie jIAw ] kabhoo keet hasat patang ho-ay jee-aa. Sometimes, they becomes worms, elephants, or moths. Aink join BrmY BrmIAw ] anik jon bharmai bharmee-aa. They may wander and roam through countless incarnations. nwnw rUp ijau sÍwgI idKwvY ] naanaa roop ji-o savaagee dikhaavai. In various costumes, like actors, they appear. ijau pRB BwvY iqvY ncwvY ] ji-o parabh bhaavai tivai nachaavai. As it pleases God, they dance. jo iqsu BwvY soeI hoie ] jo tis bhaavai so-ee ho-ay. Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass. nwnk dUjw Avru n koie ]7] naanak doojaa avar na ko-ay. ||7|| O Nanak, there is no other at all. ||7|| kbhU swDsMgiq iehu pwvY ] kabhoo saaDhsangat ih paavai. Sometimes, this being attains the Company of the Holy. ausu AsQwn qy bhuir n AwvY ] us asthaan tay bahur na aavai. From that place, he does not have to come back again. AMqir hoie igAwn prgwsu ] antar ho-ay gi-aan pargaas. The light of spiritual wisdom dawns within. ausu AsQwn kw nhI ibnwsu ] us asthaan kaa nahee binaas. That place does not perish. mn qn nwim rqy iek rMig ] man tan naam ratay ik rang. The mind and body are imbued with the Love of the Naam, the Name of the One Lord. sdw bsih pwrbRhm kY sMig ] sadaa baseh paarbarahm kai sang. He dwells forever with the Supreme Lord God. ijau jl mih jlu Awie Ktwnw ] ji-o jal meh jal aa-ay khataanaa. As water comes to blend with water, iqau joqI sMig joiq smwnw ] ti-o jotee sang jot samaanaa. his light blends into the Light. imit gey gvn pwey ibsRwm ] mit ga-ay gavan paa-ay bisraam. Reincarnation is ended, and eternal peace is found. nwnk pRB kY sd kurbwn ]8]11] naanak parabh kai sad kurbaan. ||8||11|| Nanak is forever a sacrifice to God. ||8||11||