Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 05 Pauree 7-8 |
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rhq Avr kCu Avr kmwvq ] rahat avar kachh avar kamaavat. He says one thing, and does something else. min nhI pRIiq muKhu gMF lwvq ] man nahee pareet mukhahu gandh laavat. There is no love in his heart, and yet with his mouth he talks tall. jwnnhwr pRBU prbIn ] jaananhaar parabhoo parbeen. The Omniscient Lord God is the Knower of all. bwhir ByK n kwhU BIn ] baahar bhaykh na kaahoo bheen. He is not impressed by outward display. Avr aupdysY Awip n krY ] avar updaysai aap na karai. One who does not practice what he preaches to others, Awvq jwvq jnmY mrY ] aavat jaavat janmai marai. shall come and go in reincarnation, through birth and death. ijs kY AMqir bsY inrMkwru ] jis kai antar basai nirankaar. One whose inner being is filled with the Formless Lord iqs kI sIK qrY sMswru ] tis kee seekh tarai sansaar. – by his teachings, the world is saved. jo qum Bwny iqn pRBu jwqw ] jo tum bhaanay tin parabh jaataa. Those who are pleasing to You, God, know You. nwnk aun jn crn prwqw ]7] naanak un jan charan paraataa. ||7|| Nanak falls at their feet. ||7|| krau bynqI pwrbRhmu sBu jwnY ] kara-o bayntee paarbarahm sabh jaanai. Offer your prayers to the Supreme Lord God, who knows everything. Apnw kIAw Awpih mwnY ] apnaa kee-aa aapeh maanai. He Himself values His own creatures. Awpih Awp Awip krq inbyrw ] aapeh aap aap karat nibayraa. He Himself, by Himself, makes the decisions. iksY dUir jnwvq iksY buJwvq nyrw ] kisai door janaavat kisai bujhaavat nayraa. To some, He appears far away, while others perceive Him near at hand. aupwv isAwnp sgl qy rhq ] upaav si-aanap sagal tay rahat. He is beyond all efforts and clever tricks. sBu kCu jwnY Awqm kI rhq ] sabh kachh jaanai aatam kee rahat. He knows all the ways and means of the soul. ijsu BwvY iqsu ley liV lwie ] jis bhaavai tis la-ay larh laa-ay. Those with whom He is pleased are attached to the hem of His robe. Qwn Qnµqir rihAw smwie ] thaan thanantar rahi-aa samaa-ay. He is pervading all places and interspaces. so syvku ijsu ikrpw krI ] so sayvak jis kirpaa karee. Those upon whom He bestows His favor, become His servants. inmK inmK jip nwnk hrI ]8]5] nimakh nimakh jap naanak haree. ||8||5|| Each and every moment, O Nanak, meditate on the Lord. ||8||5||