Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee13 Pauree 1-2 |
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sloku ] salok. Shalok: sMq srin jo jnu prY so jnu auDrnhwr ] sant saran jo jan parai so jan uDhranhaar. One who seeks the Sanctuary of the Saints shall be saved. sMq kI inMdw nwnkw bhuir bhuir Avqwr ]1] sant kee nindaa naankaa bahur bahur avtaar. ||1|| One who slanders the Saints, O Nanak, shall be reincarnated over and over again. ||1|| AstpdI ] asatpadee. Ashtapadee: sMq kY dUKin Awrjw GtY ] sant kai dookhan aarjaa ghatai. Slandering the Saints, one’s life is cut short. sMq kY dUKin jm qy nhI CutY ] sant kai dookhan jam tay nahee chhutai. Slandering the Saints, one shall not escape the Messenger of Death. sMq kY dUKin suKu sBu jwie ] sant kai dookhan sukh sabh jaa-ay. Slandering the Saints, all happiness vanishes. sMq kY dUKin nrk mih pwie ] sant kai dookhan narak meh paa-ay. Slandering the Saints, one falls into hell. sMq kY dUKin miq hoie mlIn ] sant kai dookhan mat ho-ay maleen. Slandering the Saints, the intellect is polluted. sMq kY dUKin soBw qy hIn ] sant kai dookhan sobhaa tay heen. Slandering the Saints, one’s reputation is lost. sMq ky hqy kau rKY n koie ] sant kay hatay ka-o rakhai na ko-ay. One who is cursed by a Saint cannot be saved. sMq kY dUKin Qwn BRstu hoie ] sant kai dookhan thaan bharsat ho-ay. Slandering the Saints, one’s place is defiled. sMq ik®pwl ik®pw jy krY ] sant kirpaal kirpaa jay karai. But if the Compassionate Saint shows His Kindness, nwnk sMqsMig inMdku BI qrY ]1] naanak satsang nindak bhee tarai. ||1|| O Nanak, in the Company of the Saints, the slanderer may still be saved. ||1|| sMq ky dUKn qy muKu BvY ] sant kay dookhan tay mukh bhavai. Slandering the Saints, one becomes a wry-faced malcontent. sMqn kY dUKin kwg ijau lvY ] santan kai dookhan kaag ji-o lavai. Slandering the Saints, one croaks like a raven. sMqn kY dUKin srp join pwie ] santan kai dookhan sarap jon paa-ay. Slandering the Saints, one is reincarnated as a snake. sMq kY dUKin iqRgd join ikrmwie ] sant kai dookhan tarigad jon kirmaa-ay. Slandering the Saints, one is reincarnated as a wiggling worm. sMqn kY dUKin iqRsnw mih jlY ] santan kai dookhan tarisnaa meh jalai. Slandering the Saints, one burns in the fire of desire. sMq kY dUKin sBu ko ClY ] sant kai dookhan sabh ko chhalai. Slandering the Saints, one tries to deceive everyone. sMq kY dUKin qyju sBu jwie ] sant kai dookhan tayj sabh jaa-ay. Slandering the Saints, all one’s influence vanishes. sMq kY dUKin nIcu nIcwie ] sant kai dookhan neech neechaa-ay. Slandering the Saints, one becomes the lowest of the low. sMq doKI kw Qwau ko nwih ] sant dokhee kaa thaa-o ko naahi. For the slanderer of the Saint, there is no place of rest. nwnk sMq BwvY qw Eie BI giq pwih ]2] naanak sant bhaavai taa o-ay bhee gat paahi. ||2|| O Nanak, if it pleases the Saint, even then, he may be saved. ||2||