Q67. Is holy congregation (Satsang) necessary? In Sikhism, great emphasis is laid on Satsang. By joining congregational prayers and making…
Sikhism FAQs:What is grace?
Q44. What is grace? If the theory of Karma were carried to its logical extreme, no man would deserve redemption.…
Sikhism FAQs:What is the place of evil, according to Sikhism?
Q49. What is the place of evil, according to Sikhism? Everything is created by God, even evil. But what we…
Punjab : The Folk Beliefs : Witchcraft
The Folk Beliefs : Witchcraft Of the many types of magic there is one which is performed for the general…
Punjabi Culture:The Folk Beliefs
The Folk Beliefs Superstitions Witchcraft Local Deities Omens Magic and Medicine Forecasts and Divinations Sorcery Myth and Mythology …
Quotations from Adi Granth :Women
Women From the woman is our birth; in the woman’s womb are we shaped To the woman are we engaged;…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Good & Evil
Good & Evil 1. When the mind is polluted by sin and shame, it is cleansed by the love of…
World Religions-Vodun (a.k.a. Vodoun, Voudou, Voodoo, Sevi Lwa)
Vodun (a.k.a. Vodoun, Voudou, Voodoo, Sevi Lwa) General background: Vodun (a.k.a. Vodoun, Voudou, Voodoo, Sevi Lwa) is commonly called…
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1Translation by Dr Jodh Singh Pauri 13 (Vaisesik) byd AQrbx mQn kr gurmuK bwSyKk…
The Guru’s injunctions on the Sikh Form
The Guru’s injunctions on the Sikh Form As I see the Guru my turban is much exalted (Guru Ram Das)…