Japji Sahib Japji Sahib contains the whole essence of Sikh philosophy. It contains the basic teachings of Guru Nanak. For…
Sikhism FAQs:What is Gurbani?
Q101. What is Gurbani? The sacred literature of Sikhism is called Gurbani which means the Guru’s word – A Song…
Sikhism FAQs:What is grace?
Q44. What is grace? If the theory of Karma were carried to its logical extreme, no man would deserve redemption.…
Sikhism FAQs:What are the stages of spiritual development, according to Sikhism
Q62. What are the stages of spiritual development, according to Sikhism? Spiritual attainment is directly allied to personal development. Much…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 06 Pauree 5-6 ijh pRswid krih puMn bhu dwn ] jih parsaad karahi punn baho daan.…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 06 Pauree 1-2 sloku ] salok. Shalok: kwm k®oD Aru loB moh ibnis jwie AhMmyv ]…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 06 Pauree 7-8 ijh pRswid qUM pRgtu sMswir ] jih parsaad tooN pargat sansaar. By His…
The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 by Max Arthur MacAuliffe [1842-1913]
Japji Sahib Gobind Singh Mansukhani Japji Sahib contains the whole essence of Sikh philosophy. It contains the basic…
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 06 Pauree 3-4
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 06 Pauree 3-4 ijh pRswid Awrog kMcn dyhI ] jih parsaad aarog kanchan dayhee. By His Grace,…
Guru Stories:Curing a Leper
Curing a Leper During his first Udasi – preaching odyssey – Guru Nanak (1469 – 1539 CE)along with…