Five Passions 1. I have sought Thy Refuge, O King, That out of the five Peasants in my Tenancy Not…
Quotations from Adi Granth :Ritualism
Ritualism 1. Burnt be thos rituals and formalities, Whereby I forget my Beloved Lord. Man practices rituals in order to…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 06 Pauree 1-2 sloku ] salok. Shalok: kwm k®oD Aru loB moh ibnis jwie AhMmyv ]…
Kirtan Sohila
Kirtan Sohila rwgu gauVI pUrbI mhlw 5 ] raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 5. Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fifth Mehl: krau bynµqI…
Sikhism FAQs:What is contentment?
Q58. What is contentment? Contentment lies in feeling satisfied with what one has. Some people question the value of…
Quotations from Adi Granth : Mind
Mind 1. By forcing the mind, one finds not the Lord: many have this wise struggled in vain. They tried…
Quotations from Adi Granth : Anger
Anger 1. Do not be angry with any person, But know yourself. Guru V, Jaitsri Rag 2. When His Nam…
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 24 Pauree 7-8-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 24 Pauree 7-8 iehu inDwnu jpY min koie ] ih niDhaan japai man ko-ay. One who…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Evil Spirits
Evil Spirits 1. When the mind is polluted by sin and shame, it is cleansed by the love of God’s…
Quotations from Adi Granth :Ritual
Ritual 1. Pilgrimages, Austerities, Mercy, Charity, Bring them honour small and paltry. One must Hear, Believe, Love the Name, And…