Sukhmani Sahib The Sukhmani is probably the greatest composition of Guru Arjan. It is said that he wrote it in…
Sikhism FAQs:What is religion?
Q1. What is religion? From times immemorial, man has felt the need of some power of deity to liberate him…
Outlines of Sikh Doctrines
Outlines of Sikh Doctrines: Principal Teja Singh CHAPTER 4FORMS AND CEREMONIES This institution of the Khalsa entails a certain…
The Sikh Calendar: Baramaha: Asaru
Good is the month of Asaru, when the sun blazes in the sky. The earth suffers sorrow and is…
Dukh Bhanjani Sahib
Dukh Bhanjani Sahib FIl n prI jw guir Purmwey ]3] (191-11, gauVI, mÚ 5) dheel na paree jaa gur furmaa-ay.…
The Sikh Calendar : Baramaha Chetu
In Chetu agreeable is the spring and beautiful the bumble-bee. The forests are flowering in front of my door. May…
Dukh Bhanjani Sahib
Dukh Bhanjani Sahib nwnk dws Ksim pRiqpwly ]4]2] (801-19, iblwvlu, mÚ 5) naanak daas khasam partipaalay. ||4||2|| O Nanak, the…
The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 by Max Arthur MacAuliffe [1842-1913]
Sukhmani Sahib Gobind Singh Mansukhani The Sukhmani is probably the greatest composition of Guru Arjan. It is said that…
Misra Commission Report :Delhi Riots 1984
Misra Commission Report CHAPTER – 18 VOLUNTARY SOCIAL AGENCIES In the rural areas as also small towns local residents organise…
Sikhism FAQs:What is contentment?
Q58. What is contentment? Contentment lies in feeling satisfied with what one has. Some people question the value of…