Bhagat Singh He belongs to the front rank of Punjabi heroes martyred for the cause of national movement. He was…
Martyrs of Punjab: Sukhdev Thapar
Sukhdev Thapar Son of Ram Lal, Sukbdev was born at Lyallpur (Now in Pakistao)~ He was an active member of…
Today in Sikh History : 23rd March
23rd March 1923 Third attempt to kill Labh Singh Dhadda also aborts 1931 Bhagat Singh Shaheed was hanged to…
Bhagat Sahiban
The Bhagats whose Bani has been included in Guru Granth Sahib belong to the period stretching from twelfth century CE…
Martyrs of Punjab:Bhagwati Charan
Bhagwati Charan Bhagwati Charan sins born at Lahore in a Brahmin family of District Gulrat. His father’s name was Rai…
Martyrs of Punjab: Hari Krishan
Hari Krishan Born in 1912 at a small village called Ghalladher in District Mardan of North-Western Frontier Province, Hari Krishan…
Sikhism FAQs:What do you know of Pingalwara, Amritsar?
Q99. What do you know of Pingalwara, Amritsar? Pingalwara literally means a home for the crippled. However, this institution caters…
Sikh Bhagats : Bhagat Sain ji
SAIN, whose one hymn has been included in the Guru Granth Sãhib, is counted among the disciples of Rãmãnand (13001411).…
Sikh Bhagats :Bhagat Bhikhan Ji
BHIKHAN (1480-1573), a medieval Indian saint two of whose hymns are included in the Guru Granth Sahib. There are in…
Sikh Bhagats :Bhagat Ravidas Ji
Bhagat Ravidas Ji was pious and religious minded right from the beginning and thus came in contact with many spiritual…