Japji Sahib Japji Sahib contains the whole essence of Sikh philosophy. It contains the basic teachings of Guru Nanak. For…
Sikhism FAQs:Section V: Sacred Literature
Section V: Sacred Literature Q101. What is Gurbani? Q102. What do you know of Sri Guru Granth Sahib? Q103. What…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Deeds
Deeds 1. As you sow, so you shall reap; This body is the result of your actions. (Guru V, Jaitsri…
Quotations from Adi Granth:Behaviour
Behaviour 1. As you sow, so you shall reap; This body is the result of your actions. (Guru V, Jaitsri…
Learn Jupji Sahib Online: -The Sikh Prayers
Learn Jupji Sahib Online: This is a presentation of Verses from Japji Sahib. First listen to the real audio clip,…
The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 by Max Arthur MacAuliffe [1842-1913]
Japji Sahib Gobind Singh Mansukhani Japji Sahib contains the whole essence of Sikh philosophy. It contains the basic…
Quotations from Adi Granth :Resignation to His Will
Resignation to His Will 1. My Lord, Thy Will may be sweet to me, Nanak begs for Thy Nam. (Guru…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Doings
Doings 1. As you sow, so you shall reap; This body is the result of your actions. (Guru V, Jaitsri…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Faith
Faith 1. Give up all your doubts, And throw your sceptic books into the sea. (Kabirji, Shlokas) 2. Have firm…
Quotations from Adi Granth :Monotheism
Monotheism 1. There is, But One God. (Guru I, Japji) 2. Contemplate the True One that was in the beginning,…