2nd March 1909 Sirdar Kapur Singh, the Sikh scholar, statesman and administrator, was born at Mannan Kalan Chakk. ==> Sirdar…
Sikh Martyrs:Nawab Singh Kapur
Massacre in Delhi of Banda Singh Bahadur and his 700 Singhs was followed by severe action against Sikhs. But every…
The Karorasinghia Sardars
The Karorasinghia Sardars Sham Singh It is said that during the rule of Emperor Muhammad Shah (1719-1748), Sham Singh, a…
Today in Sikh History – 2nd September
2nd September 1922 Pandit Madam Mohan Malviya, a great National Leader, arrived in Amritsar to witness the brutal Lathi…
Historical Sikh Events: Singhpuria Misl
SINGHPURIA (or FAIZULLAPURIA) MISL was founded by Kapur Singh, a Virk Jatt of the village of Kaleke, now in Sheikhupura…
Famous Sikhs:Sirdar Kapur Singh
Sirdar Kapur Singh was a civilian, parliamentarian and intellectual. He was master of many-sided learning Besides Sikh theology, he was…
Kapur Singh, Bhai
Kapur Singh, Bhai One of the Martyrs of Jaito (D. 1924) Was born around the turn of the century, the…
Gulab Singh
Gulab Singh Founder of the Dallevalia Clan (D. 1759) Was born the son of Shardha Ram at the village of…