Bhatt Bani (the hymns by the bards) comprising twenty pages is incorporated in the concluding part of Adi Granth. The…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth: BhattJalap
Bhatt Jalap also wrote under the name of Jalh. Five of his Swaiyas eulogis the 3 11. Guru are included…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth: Bhatt Bhalh
Only one Swaiya of Bhatt Bhalh is available comprising of 4 lines, written in praise of Guru Amardas the 3rd…
Bhatt Nalh
Bhatt Nalh had authored sixteen Swaiyas, all in praise of Guru Ramdas the 4th Guru. Surprisingly the style of this…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth:Satta and Balwand
SATTA, also called Sattã Düm because he was a dum or mirãsi by birth, a rabàbi or rebeckplayer to Guru…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth: Bhatt Haribans
There are only two Swaiyas available, authored by Bhatt Haribans. Both these Swaiyas are written in praise of Guru Arjun…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth: Bhatt Kalshar
Kalshar who is also known as Kalh and Talh was the leader of the group of the Bhatts who had…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth Details of their contributions are as follows : click on the name for details: Name Guru…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth: Bhatt Gyand
Bhatt Gyand had composed thirteen Swaiyas, all in praise of Guru Ramdas the 4th Guru. He starts with Guru Nanak…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth: Bhatt Balh
1. Poetry dealing with transmigration of Guru Nanak’s soul to the descendants of his throne. 2. The second category comprises…