3 Sakhi Rahit ki The mid 1730s has already been suggested as a possible dating for Sakhi Rahit ki. Certainly…
The Prahilad Rai Rahit-nama
2 The Prahilad Rai Rahit-nama Was the author’s name Prahilad Rai or was it Prahilad Singh? It is tempting to…
1 .Tanakhah-nama The Tanakhah-nama that has been attributed to Bhai Nand Lal, has been discounted, and it should be noted…
The Sikh Rehat Maryada :Section Four
Rehat Maryada :Section Four Chapter X Living in Consonance with Guru’s Tenets Article XVI A Sikh’s living, earning livelihood, thinking…
The Sikh Rehat Maryada : Section Two
Rehat Maryada: Section Two Chapter II Sikh Living Article II A Sikh’s life has two aspects: individual or personal and…
The Sikh Rehat Maryada Section One
Chapter I The Definition of Sikh Ariticle 1 Any human being who faithfully believes in (i) One Immortal Being, (ii)…
The Sikh Rehat Maryada :Section Three
Rehat Maryada :Section Three Chapter IV Joining the congregation for understanding of and reflecting on Gurbani Article V (a) One…
The Sikh Rehat Maryada : Section Five
Reht Maryada: Section Five Chapter XII Voluntary Service Article XXI Voluntary service is a prominent part of Sikh religion. Illustrative…
The Sikh Rehat Maryada : Section Six
Rehat Maryada : Section Six Chapter XIII Facets of Corporate Sikh Life Article XXII The essential facets of Panthic life…
Chaupa Singh Rahit-nama p2
Chaupa Singh Rahit-nama -2 The Khalsa The Chaupa Singh Rahit-nama favours a wider Sikh understanding rather than the distinctively Khalsa…