Sidh Ghost drsnu ByK krhu joigMdRw muMdRw JolI iKMQw ] darsan bhaykh karahu jogindaraa mundraa jholee khinthaa. "Wear the robes…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost gurmuiK cUkY Awvx jwxu ] gurmukh chookai aavan jaan. The comings and goings in reincarnation are ended for…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost rwmklI mhlw 1 isD gosit raamkalee mehlaa 1 siDh gosat Raamkalee, First Mehl, Sidh Gosht ~ Conversations With…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost swcu vKru Dnu plY hoie ] saach vakhar Dhan palai ho-ay. One who possesses the merchandise, the wealth…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost nwim rqy isD gosit hoie ] naam ratay siDh gosat ho-ay. Attuned to the Naam, they attain Sidh…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost swcO aupjY swic smwvY swcy sUcy eyk mieAw ] saachou upjai saach samaavai saachay soochay ayk ma-i-aa. We…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost iksu kwrix igRhu qijE audwsI ] kis kaaran garihu taji-o udaasee. "Why have you left your house and…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost sbdu BwKq sis joiq Apwrw ] sabad bhaakhat sas jot apaaraa. Giving voice to the Shabad, the moon…
Sidh Ghost
Sidh Ghost iehu mnu inhclu ihrdY vsIAly gurmuiK mUlu pCwix rhY ] ih man nihchal hirdai vasee-alay gurmukh mool pachhaan…